Pet Microchipping Services
1 in 3 pets will go missing during its lifetime. The microchip is much more reliable than a collar and a tag because there is no chance it will fall off. The microchip is a permanent ID that links your pet to you.
Dog and cat microchipping is a simple procedure. We simply implant a microchip for pets, about the size of a grain of rice (12mm), beneath the surface of your pet’s skin between the shoulder blades. The process is similar to a routine vaccine, takes only a few seconds and is minimally painful. While anesthetic is not required, a routine surgical procedure such as a spay, neuter or dental cleaning is the perfect opportunity to place a chip in your pet. A microchip is a permanent pet ID. The microchip itself has no internal energy source, so it will last the life of your pet. It is read by passing a microchip scanner over the pet’s shoulder blades. The scanner emits a low radio frequency that provides the power necessary to transmit the microchips unique cat or dog ID code and positively identify the pet. If your pet gets lost and is taken to an animal shelter or veterinarian, they will scan the microchip to read its unique ID code. This unique ID code is used to identify the pet and retrieve your contact information, which is then used to contact you and reunite you with your pet.
Note: It is important to update your contact information during moves and other changes of address or phone number.
Pet Microchipping Services Near You
If you have additional questions about our microchipping services for pets or would like to have your pet microchipped please contact us.
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