Dental Consent Form

"*" indicates required fields

We place the highest priority on ensuring you feel comfortable with the plan for your pet’s care and fully understand the authorizations below before giving your consent. If you have any questions or need clarification on any of the choices, please contact the hospital so a medical team member can review the form with you prior to completing it. As always, thank you for entrusting us with your pet’s care.

MM slash DD slash YYYY

Appointment Time*



Your pet is scheduled for a dental cleaning, polishing, oral health exam, and digital dental x-rays. A full mouth exam will be completed once heavy tartar has been removed. The veterinarian(s) may discover teeth that are fractured, decayed, abscessed or loose after performing the full mouth exam and dental x-rays. in many cases, extractions are recommended to prevent pain, infection, and/or future dental complications.


I hereby consent that the dental treatment/procedure identified above has been explained to my satisfaction by the veterinarian and that there can be no guarantee as to the outcome of any procedure/dental treatment.

I hereby authorize anesthesia/dental treatment for my pet. While Health and Harmony provides the highest quality of anesthesia monitoring and surgical services, I understand that there are inherent risks associated with any surgical procedure, even in apparently healthy animals. I have been advised that there is risk of complications and in the rarest case, even death. I will not hold Health and Harmony liable for any complications that may arise.
Please select one of the following options*

In the event of an unforeseen emergency, if your pet were to go into cardiac or respiratory arrest, please indicate what life-saving measures you would like the doctors and medical staff to take by selecting ONE choice below

MM slash DD slash YYYY

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

What's Next

  • 1

    Call us or schedule an appointment online.

  • 2

    Meet with a doctor for an initial exam.

  • 3

    Put a plan together for your pet.
