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Feline Behavioral History
Feline Behavioral History
Are you a current client?
No, please contact me to schedule a visit to establish care
Do you have a behavior consult scheduled?
No, please contact me to schedule
What is the date and time of your scheduled behavior consult?
Best phone number to reach you at:
Who referred you to us?
Cat's Name
Cat's Breed
What is your cat's age and date of birth (or rescue day)?
How much does your cat weigh?
Is your pet intact or neutered/spayed?
Is your cat declawed?
Front only
All paws
Do you trim your cat's nails? If so, how and when?
If declawed, any change in behavior since surgery? If yes, please describe.
How did you acquire your cat and do you have a history of previous care (took in as a stray and bottle fed, adopted at 3 years old without previous history, bought from a breeder etc)?
Please tell us about any other people who live in or regularly visit the home (sex, age, relationship with you, how do they interact with your cat).
Please tell us about any other pets who live in the home (age, sex, neutered, relationship to other your cat).
Describe any recent changes to the household (new job, kids returning to school/college, construction down the street, new or visiting pets).
What do you feed your cat?
How and when do you feed your cat (eg. from a bowl twice a day, free feed from one shared bowl, from food puzzles, treats for tricks etc)?
Please describe your cat's appetite.
Does your cat know any tricks? If so, what can he/she reliably perform (sit, come, touch)?
Does your cat play with you? What toys have you tried? What is his/her favorite game?
Does your cat spend any time outdoors? If so, describe how often and in what manner (free roam with cat door, daily supervised play, harness trained, catio etc).
Does your cat hunt? Describe below (insects, rodents, birds).
How does your cat react when seeing other animals through the window, in the house, or when outside?
Where is your cat's favorite resting place?
Where are your cat's favorite places to scratch? Are these places acceptable to you? If not, what do you do when he/she scratches.
What does a typical day look like for your cat? Please describe play (with you, self, and other pets), grooming (self and others), scratching, resting (where), and eating patterns.
How many litter boxes do you have and where are they located throughout the home?
Please describe the type of litter you use and anything else that you put into or around your cat's litter box.
Have you ever changed brands of litter? If so, when and why?
How often do you scoop the litter box?
How often do you completely empty and clean the box? Do you use any cleaner? If so, what kind?
Describe your cat's litter box habits.
Do you ever find smaller clumps of urine in the box?
Do you ever find dark or discolored urine?
Do you ever hear your cat vocalize while using the litter box?
Does your cat strain when using the litter box?
Does your cat have any concerns with the following?
Unfamiliar visitors to the home (hides, bites, scratches, avoids etc)
Familiar visitors to the home
Urinating (peeing) outside of the litter box
Defecating (pooping) outside of the litter box
Seeing animals outside of the window (tail twitching, vocalization, hissing, fur standing up, aggression to you or other pets in the home etc)
Seeing animals when he/she is outside
Scratching inappropriate objects
Scratching you
Biting you
Aggression or escape attempts when being petted
Aggression or escape attempts when being handled (nails trimmed, groomed, medications given)
Eating non-food items
Abnormal chewing/biting/sucking/licking of self, you or objects
Excessive grooming, bald patches
Skin rippling or twitching along back
Lack of grooming or matted fur
Abnormal vocalization
Loud noises or storms
Climbing on areas undesirable to you
Fear or aggression at the vet
Aggression towards other cats in the home after they come home from the vet
Trouble jumping up on furniture, into litter boxes, or climbing up stairs
If other, please explain:
If your cat has any behavior concerns marked above (or others not listed), please elaborate (how old was your cat when each concern began and in what situations is it most likely to occur)?
What are your top 3 concerns about your cat's behavior?
What methods have you tried in order to solve your cat's behavioral concerns?
Praise or affection for good behavior
Food treats
Clicker training
Avoiding situations where the problem occurs
Pheromones (Feliway, Comfort Zone)
Verbal punishment
Scruffing or grabbing by neck
Making a loud noise
Spray bottles
Booby traps
If other, please explain:
What was your cat's response to each of the above methods you have tried (improved, stayed the same, worsened)? Does the response vary depending on the family member using it?
Has your cat ever bitten or scratched anyone including you? If so, did this bite/scratch require medical attention?
Have you considered rehoming or euthanizing your cat if the behavior problem worsens or does not improve?
Never thought about it
Please list the date of the last vet exam, any previous surgeries, or other medical problems.
What medications (dose and frequency) is your cat taking (including flea/tick products, nutraceuticals, herbs, and over the counter supplements)?
What is your goal for this appointment?
Please tell us anything else about your cat or household that you think is important for us to know before our appointment.
Does your cat (or any other pets or people in the home) have any food restrictions? If so, please let us know what treats (if any) I may use during the appointment.
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