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Canine Behavioral History
Canine Behavioral History
Are you a current client?
No, please contact me to schedule a visit to establish care
Do you have a behavior consult scheduled?
No, please contact me to schedule
What is the date and time of your scheduled behavior consult?
What is the best phone number to reach you at?
Who referred you to us?
Dog's Name
What is your dog's age and date of birth (or rescue day)?
How did you acquire your dog and do you have a history of previous care (bought from a breeder at 8 weeks, adopted at 3 years old without previous history, etc)?
Please tell us about any other pets who live in the home (age, sex, neutered, relationship with other pets e.g. plays, fights, ignores).
What tricks can your dog reliably perform (sit, come, touch)?
Does your dog enjoy playing games with you (e.g. fetch, tug)?
All the time
How and when do you feed your pets (eg. twice a day in their kennels, once daily with everyone's bowls in the kitchen, etc)?
How is your dog's appetite?
Always hungry, will eat anything and everything
Will finish meals, enjoys high value treats like meat and cheese but not lower value treats like dry biscuits
Finicky, frequently does not complete meal and only eats really tasty treats
What does a typical work day look like for your dog (how many hours spent alone, outside, in crate)?
What does a typical weekend/free day look like for your dog (exercise, training, other activities)?
Does your dog have any concerns with the following? (Select all that apply)
Unfamiliar dogs when on leash (e.g. during walks)
Unfamiliar dogs when off leash (e.g. at the park)
Cats or other small animals outside of the home
Thunderstorms, fireworks, or other loud noises
Strangers visiting the home or yard
Guarding food, toys, treats
Anxiety when you leave the house
Anxiety when confined in a room or crate
Aggression or fear when being handled (nail trims, grooming)
Jumping up on you or guests
Barking, growling or lunging at bicycles, skateboards, cars or other objects encountered when walking
Pulling hard on leash
Eating non-food items
Destructive behavior (doors, furniture, personal items etc)
Aggression towards other dogs in the home
Undesirable interaction with cats or other small animals in the home
Urination in the house
Defecation in the house
Aggression towards you or other family members
If your dog has any behavior concerns marked above, please elaborate (what is your dog's response, when did the problem start, how often and under what circumstances does your dog respond this way?):
What are your top 3 concerns about your dog's behavior?
When did each concern begin and in what situations does it occur?
What methods have you tried in order to solve your pet's behavioral concerns? (Select all that apply)
Praise for good behavior
Alpha roll/dominance down
Bark collars (citronella or electrical stimulation)
Choker chain, pinch collar, e-collar
Clicker training
Doggie Boot Camp
Leash corrections (sharp jerks on the collar)
Toys or play for good behavior
Making a loud noise
Obedience classes
Physical punishment (e.g. hitting, kicking)
Spraying them with a water bottle or can of air
Treats for good behavior
Yelling “no”
Avoiding situations where the problem occurs
What was your dog's response to each of the above methods you have tried (improved, stayed the same, worsened)?
Has your dog ever bit or nipped anyone? If, so did this bite require medical attention?
Does your dog need to be leashed, muzzled, or placed in another room when visitors enter the house?
If the behavior problem does not improve, or worsens, have you considered re-homing or euthanizing your dog?
Does your dog have any past or current medical concerns?
What medications (dose and frequency) is your dog currently taking (including names and strengths, nutraceuticals, herbs, and over the counter supplements)?
What flea/tick/heartworm products is your dog currently taking?
What is your goal for this appointment?
Please tell us anything else about your dog or household that you think is important for us to know before our appointment.
Does your dog have any food restrictions? If so, please let us know what treats (if any) we may use during the appointment.
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